Outstanding Selfie Vectorsself related questions can increase our knowledge and than we realize who we are . mostly to many peoples are in stress and depression because they don't know themselves who they are and what kind of environment they want and many more so below is the some tips i will share you on  how to know yourself as well as this is helpful for you when you are in gathering and in talk shows etc so lets begin!!

1--who you are ?
2- what kind of thing you like most ?
3-what is your favorite personality ?
4- your biggest dream .
5-what would you do ? if you have only 10 mints left to live .
6-what is your most important goal ?
7-who's the important person in your life ?
8-how you can achieve you goals ?
9-what's your dream home look like ?
10-what is the meaning of life for you ?
11-what's moment that charged you , motivate you ?
12-if you have the power what would you like to changed ?

what you learn from it ??