knowing self is a question of our life most people can't find it and waste their life by doing unwanted things . Below is a few questions that will help you to find out who you are and what you want !!
1-- Know How many skills you have !
if you are studying in college or school find out what is the work that suits you and what is the activity you are curious about . may be you are a good writer , good speaker , good cricketer or a good student !
2-- which is the thing that give you freedom!
Find out what is the work that gives you happiness and you are out of space and time when doing that work!
3--what is your condition !
find out where you want to work and with whom you want to work with if you are interested in working alone this is the good idea but running with team this the best idea because with it you have no burden of work and work will divide in a team and than this the best way for faster working if you want to achieve success in a bit of time !!
Live Bravely Push Yourself
Don't Settle !!