First of all we should know what's the meaning of ignorance a person who is unaware of facts and unaware about something and in other words a person ignore and disregard important information or an important person are called ignorance !


Stay Calm !

Stay humble and take it easy never Show them that their behaviour hurt you if you show them than they  know your weak point ! but  sometime might be good to show  so always stay clam and peace never let anyone to play with you .

Ignore them back !

If a person does not want to stay with you and continuously ignoring you without any reason so you should ignore them back.

Try to do what you love !

This is the best thing whenever you are feeling unwell try to do things that you love. for example  some people written a diary when they upset, some people feel good by self talk , and some of them seeing motivational videos when they are upset always doing something to overcome from negative thoughts !